Preciado and the contrasexual suffocation of the cis-tem.


  • Abel Calisto Bendito da Silva Universidade Federal da Paraíba



Queer Studies, Paul B. Preciado, Gender, Dildo, Cultural History


The Spanish philosopher, professor and writer Paul B. Preciado is one of the main voices of queer theory today, having contributions in studies on the body, sex/gender, sexuality and pornography. This review focuses on the philosopher's first book, the Contrasexual Manifesto, in which the author unravels and criticizes the historicity and temporality of the sex/gender cis-tem, utilizing post-structuralist philosophical, historical and psychoanalytic voices such as Judith Butler, Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, Michel Foucault and Donna Haraway. The notion of contrasexuality is created as a concept that opposes the sex/gender cis-tem of men-bodies and women-bodies, which points to more than ruptures in the dominant order, but to its asphyxiated end. During the review, I will focus mainly on the concept of contrasexuality, Preciado's view of subversive sexual practices such as BDSM and the notion of the dildo in Preciado's thought and the contributions of the dildo to contrasexuality.


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How to Cite

Silva, A. C. B. da . (2024). Preciado and the contrasexual suffocation of the cis-tem. Revista Angelus Novus, 15(20), 213697.