The exacerbation of the role of the specialist in Brazilian education

a historic journey


  • Kelly Cristina Brandão da Silva Universidade de São Paulo



Special Education, Inclusive Education, History of Education, specialist


The history of Special Education in Brazil is marked by the presence of the specialist. Since the first initiatives in specialized institutions – still in the nineteenth century – until the implementation of Inclusive Education – from the influence of the Declaration of Salamanca, in 1994 – we find the presence and enhancement of technical knowledge. From a non evolution historical perspective, this article aims to highlight some points of special education in Brazil, to reflect the role of specialist and their possible reflexes in the current inclusive education politics, which has been presented as a change of paradigm in the educational system.


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Author Biography

  • Kelly Cristina Brandão da Silva, Universidade de São Paulo

    Psicanalista, mestranda em Educação pela FEUSP, especialista pelo IPUSP-Lugar de Vida, membro do LEPSI -IP/FEUSP (Laboratório de Estudos e Pesquisas Psicanalíticas e Educacionais sobre a Infância), docente e supervisora clínica da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, no curso de Psicologia.



How to Cite

Silva, K. C. B. da. (2010). The exacerbation of the role of the specialist in Brazilian education: a historic journey. Revista Angelus Novus, 1, 163-189.