“Dorica Musa”

legal criticism and cultural memory in the emblem book “Pegma”, by Pierre Coustau (1555)


  • Denis Correa Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul




Pierre Cousteu, Emblem books, Justice, Hesiod


The article discusses the Pierre Coustau’s book “Pegma cum narrationibus philosophicis” (1555), and examines their textual and iconographic aspects - specifically the 39th emblem, entitled "Dorica Musa". The emblem in question carries a strong criticism of the legal procedure of his time, and uses both images and words of classical Greek literature. The trace of the subject led us to Hesiod, Greek poet of the Eighth century BC, thus configuring a given ancient world’s cultural memory that Pierre Coustau updates to enable the rhetoric manipulation of this available knowledge, used in the contemporary context of the author.


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Author Biography

  • Denis Correa, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

    Licenciado em História pela UFRGS, é atualmente mestrando em História pela mesmo universidade, sob orientação do Prof. Dr. Francisco Marshall. É bolsista do CNPQ, e atua na área de História Antiga, especialmente na história da Grécia Arcaica e Clássica, e na recepção de temas literários e iconográficos do mundo clássico no Renascentismo europeu.



How to Cite

Correa, D. (2011). “Dorica Musa”: legal criticism and cultural memory in the emblem book “Pegma”, by Pierre Coustau (1555). Revista Angelus Novus, 2, 34-50. https://doi.org/10.11606/ran.v0i2.88841