Habermas e o desafio pós-moderno (ainda)


  • Arthur Grupillo Universidade Federal de Sergipe




Habermas, Modernity, Postmodernity, Art, Aesthetics


We try to discuss the difficulties to reconcile some assumptions of Jürgen Habermas’ philosophy. It intends to escape a self-destructive critique of reason, while at the same time granting premises for an ontologization of art or, at least, for a poetic function of language with a strong anti-fictional tone. On the other hand, it cannot, by following this path, simply invert the proscribed part of the dialectical image, that is, point out in a ‘superfundamentalist’ way the forgotten other of reason. This allows us to see how his philosophy remains exposed to the challenge posed by postmodern thought.


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Author Biography

  • Arthur Grupillo, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

    Professor do departamento de filosofia da UFS.


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How to Cite

Grupillo, A. (2021). Habermas e o desafio pós-moderno (ainda). Rapsódia, 1(15), 32-51. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2447-9772.i15p32-51