Sobre o simbolismo na arte: uma interpretação com base em Hegel
Hegel, Aesthetics, Art, SymbolismAbstract
The article aims to propose an investigation regarding the symbolism in Hegel's aesthetics beyond the scope of the symbolic artform. For this, aspects of the Hegelian dialectic in a more universal sense will be mobilized, such as the matter of Aufhebung, as well as matters from the Lectures on aesthetics that allow the understanding of the possibility of conservation of the symbolic aspect of art even after its predominant moment in history has been overcome. Symbolism, while the predominant feature of art in the context of the symbolic artform, nevertheless remains a residual feature in the contexts of classical and romantic artforms due to the very nature of art and the limitations of sensibility in comparison with spirituality, which, albeit exposed in the sensible, must be internalized for the spirit. Notwithstanding, the sensible remains a fundamental element of art, so that, even if one recognizes this greater amplitude of the spirit in relation to its sensible appearance, its role in terms of aesthetic fruition cannot be denied.
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