Dynamic and psychological intervention in masculine volleyball team


  • Antonio Carlos Simões Universidade de São Paulo; Escola de Educação Física e Esporte
  • Paulo Felix Marcelino Conceição Universidade de São Paulo; Escola de Educação Física e Esporte
  • Maria Aparecida Câmara Neri Universidade de São Paulo; Escola de Educação Física e Esporte
  • Luiz Carlos Delphino Azevedo Junior Universidade de São Paulo; Escola de Educação Física e Esporte




Sport psychology, Team of volleyball, Group behavior, Diagnosis, Intervention


The leadership behavior consists in one of the most important factors influencing the sport of high level performance. The command's actions are representative of true field of forces sustaining the organizational and functional structure of the teams, constituting one of the main characteristics of the sportive technician's personality in the implementation and maintenance of good human relations and good operative relations. Under these aspects the technician as leader role plays a paper of integrator function between components of the team, not only because he implements ideas, norms and values, but also because is depositary of the yearnings and necessities of athletes. The main objective of this study was to investigate the form which athletes describes the leadership behavior of technician in the conduction of the team (real-equip), compared with the form, which the own technician describes his proper leadership behavior (proper-ideal), during a period of ten months, involving diagnosis and psychological intervention. The subjects' research was: one technician and 16 volleyball athletes, masculine, age 25,6. The system of evaluation was "ACS III", an instrument constituted of two sets of 30 descriptive and objective questions of technician leadership behavior. The results had indicated that: a) exists a conflictive tendency between the technician auto-evaluation (proper-ideal) and the evaluation of the athletes (real-equip), in the involved dimensions of technician leadership behavior: interactive and operative relations; b) the psychological work allowed a more favorable relation in the institution ambit, involving interactive and functional difficulties of the equip; c) standards of restrictive and prohibitive behaviors tends to change, in such a way positive as negative; during the development process of psychological intervention, positives aspects had prevailed in the end.







How to Cite

Simões, A. C., Conceição, P. F. M., Neri, M. A. C., & Azevedo Junior, L. C. D. (2006). Dynamic and psychological intervention in masculine volleyball team . Brazilian Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 20(3), 195-207. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1807-55092006000300005