Electromyography of the abdominal muscles and rectus femoris in abdominal exercises with and without the unstable surfaces
Kinesiology, Rectus Abdominis, Bosu, Gymnastics BallAbstract
The abdominal exercises are performed to the preventing and/or rehabilitation of lower back pain, improved athletic performance, increased strength and resistance of the trunk during the performance of activities of daily living and aesthetics. The objective was to analyze and compare the electromyographic activity of the upper (URA) and lower rectus abdominis (LRA), external oblique (EO), internal oblique (IO) and rectus femoris (RF) during traditional abdominal exercise with and without using the bosu and gymnastics ball. The sample was composed of 10 male volunteers, active physically and without neuromuscular disorder. Data collection was performed using a single differential surface electrodes, with a gain of 20 times, and recorded by a computerized electromyography. The electromyographic signal was quantified by the Root Mean Square (RMS) and normalized (RMSn) by maximal voluntary isometric contraction. The data were subjected to parametric statistical analysis, using the analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measures. The results showed that the URA muscle activity in the exercise with bosu was significantly higher compared to the traditional (p < 0.05), however, for the LRA, EO, IO and RF muscles, there were no significant differences (p > 0.05) among all abdominal exercises (traditional, bosu and gymnastics ball). We conclude that the use of the bosu in the abdominal exercises can be a necessary and desirable factor in specific stages of rehabilitation programs and / or physical training, mainly to increase the recruitment of the upper (URA) rectus abdominis muscle.
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