The classification as fans and their forms of connection with the sport, in games of the Brazilian rugby team
consumer behavior, sports, rugby, sports consumerAbstract
In order to classify the Supporters/Consumers (TCs) who attended the games of the brazilian rugby team and identify the connection point that connects these TCs to the sport, the research was used, respectively, "Ladder of Involvement of the Supporter "(EET) and the "connectors" that connect the supporter to the sport. The survey had a quantitative approach, with survey method, having as sample the 198 fans that watched 2 games of the brazilian rugby. The questionnaire used as an instrument of this research was built through a cross between EET (fanatics, connoisseurs, aggregates, collectors, spenders, curious and indifferent) and connectors (astro, local, social currency, family, indirect experience, utopia) that connect the fan to the sport (Table 1). As a result, it was verified that most TCs were classified as "indifferent" with great connection by the connector "utopia", allusive to the values of the modality. It was also identified that the respondents showed no connection by the "astros" as well as the “fanatics”, regardless of their connectors, do not represent a significant number in the modality. It was also possible to note that there are many fans classified as "connoisseurs and spenders", understood as potential targets for marketing actions. Fans who disagreed totally with their connection with the sport through the "family" connector showed a greater negative linearity, being fanatics (39.90%), curious (44.95%), connoisseurs (50%) and collectors (53,03%). However, it was considered that even with the development in the last years, rugby still does not have "astro" with potential to attract the public to the Brazilian stadiums. Thus, it is expected that sports organizations will be more important for marketing strategies aimed at improving the relationship with their TC.
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