Anthropometry and physical fitness in regional male handball athletes according to playing position


  • Guilherme Köpp Toescher Escola de Educação Física do Exército, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.
  • Leandro Galletti Marcon Escola de Educação Física do Exército, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.
  • Leonardo Ribeiro Marques Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Escola de Educação Física e Desportos, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.
  • Fernando Andrade da Silva Escola de Educação Física do Exército, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.
  • Míriam Raquel Meira Mainenti Escola de Educação Física do Exército, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.



Body composition, Physical Education and training, Human physical conditioning, Sports


Knowing the anthropometric and physical fitness characteristics for each handball playing position could help the selection and specific training of athletes, nevertheless the national (Brazilian) literature is scarce in this topic. This study aimed to verify anthropometric and physical fitness differences among regional level male handball athletes according to their playing positions. Sixteen athletes (26.63±2.63 years) who played as back, wing and pivot players were evaluated in stature, wingspan, body mass and body mass index (BMI); members, waist and hip girths; hand dimensions; absolute (kg) and relative (%) body composition; sit and reach, handgrip, medicine ball throw, agility test, Counter Movement Jump height and Running-based Anaerobic Sprint Test (RAST). They were organized in two groups: wing and back+pivots, because of the physical demand similarities. For Statistical Analysis, the T-test of student for independent samples was applied (p<0.05) with data shown as mean ± standard deviation. There were statistical differences, with lower results for the wings, on body mass (79.82±12.38.vs.91.84±7.79kg), forearm (28.05±1.90.vs.30.05±1.20cm) and hip (98.00±6.80.vs.104.81±4.27cm) girths, hand length (18.83±0.59.vs.20.04±1.02cm), hand width (22.08±1.58.vs.24.34±1.30cm), absolute fat-free mass (68.28±6.94.vs.76.68±6.45kg) and RAST mean power (376.92±34.54.vs.474.94±71.72w). Therefore, the wings had the lower body dimensions, and backs and pivots had better results in power. Such differences are probably due to the physical valences which are necessary to the different playing positions, considering that the wings need agility and mobility, while backs and pivots need to face more physical contacts and execute more strength and power actions.


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How to Cite

Toescher, G. K., Marcon, L. G., Marques, L. R., Silva, F. A. da, & Mainenti, M. R. M. (2022). Anthropometry and physical fitness in regional male handball athletes according to playing position. Brazilian Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 36, e36174212.