Isometric pre-conditionin and antioxidant juice consumption as prophylactic strategies against muscle damage
Downhill running, Running economy, Isometric contractions, Eccentric exercise, Delayed-onset muscle soreness, StrengthAbstract
Our aim was to investigate the combined effects of antioxidant juice (AJ) consumption and isometric pre-conditioning (IPC) on changes in markers of running economy (RE) and symptoms of muscle damage (MD) following downhill running (DHR). Seventy-five men (22±2 years; 78±9 kg; 177±5 cm) were randomly assigned to five groups: control (CON), placebo (PLA), AJ supplementation (SUP), IPC (ISO) and a combination of IPC and AJ (COMB). All participants ran downhill (-15%) for 30 minutes at 70%VO2max. Participants in the SUP group consumed AJ twice a day for nine consecutive days while those assigned to PLA consumed a placebo at the same moments. Participants assigned to the ISO group performed 10 maximal isometric contractions at a leg press machine two days prior to DHR. Volunteers in the COMB group performed a combination of the procedures described for SUP and ISO and those in CON did not perform any recovery strategy. Oxygen uptake during five-minute runs at 80%VO2max (RE), knee extensors isometric peak torque (IPT), countermovement jump height and lower limb muscle soreness (SOR) were assessed before and on the 4 days subsequent to DHR. All dependent variables were significantly affected following DHR in all groups. RE, IPT and SOR recovered faster for SUP and COMB when compared to the other groups. IPT recovered faster for ISO when compared to CON and PLA. Peak SOR was lower for SUP and COMB than for all other groups. AJ consumption blunts changes in RE and symptoms of MD following DHR. It seems that combining AJ consumption and IPC does not add any degree of protection against MD beyond that conferred by AJ consumption alone.
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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
Grant numbers 2013/23585-4;2016/04909-1;2017/26078-7