Motivational profiles of elite and recreational road runners
Motivation von Elite-Straßenläufern und Erholung
Self-determination, Road runners, Intrinsic motivation, High-performanceAbstract
The aim of the present study was to investigate the motivational differences between recreational and elite road runners. Road runners (97 athletes being 64 men) were recruited, divided into two groups, elite (E) (time in official competition of 10km equal to or less than 32 minutes for male volunteers and equal to or less than 37 minutes for female volunteers) and recreational (R) (trained at least three times a week and competed at least in regional events). The Sport Motivation Scale (SMS) was used to investigate the theory of Self-Determination. Elite runners are more motivated, both intrinsically (E: 17.98 ± 2.40; R: 16.86 ± 2.58; p=0.04) and extrinsically (E: 16.18 ± 2.81; R: 14.53 ± 3.35; p=0.01), however, in both groups the intrinsic motivation is greater than the extrinsic (p=0.01). And yet the intrinsic motivation to know (p=0.01), the identified extrinsic motivation (p=0.05) and the external regulated extrinsic motivation (p=0.01) were higher in elite athletes. We conclude that intrinsic motivations are high in both groups, which may possibly favor the maintenance of these athletes in the training and competition process, however, probably for reasons of high competitiveness, extrinsic motivation was high in elite athletes.
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