The effect of relative age on Portuguese women's national football teams
Women’s football, Age relative impact, Portuguese national football team, Women sports developmentAbstract
Women's football has grown exponentially in the recent years in Portugal and worldwide. From season to season the number of federated players increases in our country and in the different national teams. Based on the literature, we can see that there is an effect of Relative Age (EAR) in men's soccer, clubs and national teams, but it is not consensual in relation to women’s. The aim of the present study was to understand if the EIR exists in the Portuguese women's national teams (sub15, sub16, sub17, sub19, Seniors). On the website of the Portuguese Football Federation (FPF) were collected the players present in the last five calls of each step until the present date. Then the dates of birth were collected, which in turn were organized in a Windows Excel spreadsheet, version 2016 and divided into quartiles: Quartile 1 “Q-1” (January, February and March), Quartile 2 “Q-2” (April, May and June), Quartile 3 “Q-3” (July, August and September) and Quartile 4 “Q-4” (October, November and December). Descriptive analysis was performed, and the chi-square (X2) statistical test was used, with p> 0.05. The results presented showed that there is a slight EIR in the u16 and ud17 selections, however not significant. They also proved that there wasn’t impact of relative age on the other teams. With the results presented we can conclude that there is no significant EIR in the Portuguese women's national team’s, however the slight impact of the relative age in two of the three younger age groups (under 16 and under 17) may show that in the near future there may be a significant EIR in the players that are call for the different Portuguese women's national football teams.
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