Quality of life and self-effi cacy in Brazilian athletes of high performance volleyball
Life quality, Self-effi cacy, SportAbstract
This study investigated the association between life quality (LQ) and self-effi cacy among high-performance volleyball athletes. Participants were 86 athletes from local, state and national level. The instruments used were the General Perceived Self-Effi cacy Scale and the Short Form for Health Research (SF-36). For data analysis, it was used the Kolmogorov-Smirno, Kurskal-Wallis, Friedman and Chi-Square tests (p <0,05). The results showed that athletes had good LQ, however, there was no signifi cant difference according to the competitive level (p>0,05). When compared the intra-group LQ, the domain that stood out in all groups was the functional capacity (p<0,05). In terms of age, it was found that older athletes showed greater limitations due to physical aspects compared to young adults (p<0,05), which in turn demonstrated lower LQ related to pain compared to youth athletes (p<0,05). The domains of vitality, social aspects and limitation by emotional aspects were associated with the high level of self-effi cacy (p<0.05). It was concluded that Brazilian volleyball high performance context can be considered a propellant environment of LQ for the athletes. In addition, self-effi cacy is an intervening element on the LQ among high performance volleyball athletes.
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