Positive impacts of emergency remote teaching on the motivational quality of Physical Education students during the pandemic
COVID-19, Motivation, Higher Education, Physical EducationAbstract
The study aimed to compare the motivational quality of students from a public Higher Education Institution (HEI) during the stoppage of classes, with students from a private HEI, which replaced the face-to-face classes with remote classes in the period of social isolation, in response to the pandemic caused by the Coronavirus. 49 students from the public HEI and 57 students from the Physical Education course of the private HEI participated in the study. The Academic Motivation Scale was applied digitally. The results showed a more autonomous motivation of students from the private HEI. There was a higher frequency of extrinsic motivation due to external regulation and social regulation among students of the public HEI. It was concluded that the remote teaching adopted in the private HEI was positive, since the students demonstrated the ability to perform academic activities not only due to external pressure, showing good motivational quality. On the contrary, the interruption of classes at the public HEI indicated a greater predisposition to demotivation.
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