Subjective perception about creativity: gymnastics rhythmic referees and coaches point of view
Gymnastics, Motor creativity, Sport, RefereeingAbstract
This qualitative study investigated the judgment parameters in the subjective perception about creativity of referees and in Rhythmic Gymnastics technicians´ point of view. Therefore, in addition to the bibliographic research, an exploratory survey was conducted considering the perception of this referees and technicians about the creativity and the involvement of this capacity in the development and in its judgment under the competitive scope. As data collection instrument, a semi-structured interview was conducted by questions specifi cally prepared for this study, which was individually applied to an intentional sample selected by convenience, composed by 14 participants of both sexes, 05 GR referees with ages range between 23 and 46 years and experience of 04-22 years, and 09 GR technicians aged also between 23 and 46 years, 06-20 practice time years. All of them were active in national competitions in the duration of the Olympic cycle 2013-2016. Data were descriptively analyzed by Content Analysis Technique and indicated that these
participants highlighted the creativity as the ability to express the new, the different, in an extraordinary way, perfect and appropriate to the demands of this sport. As its importance is subjectively perceived, these interviewees emphasized the creative potential relevance to enrich expressive, artistic and technical aspects in the athletes’ performances. Although, the creativity judgment in a competitive context does not represent a criterion immediately set out in the codes, this is done in a subjective way, which is perceived as a cohesive whole expressed as an artistic content of the series, considering both, as elements of difficulty and as elements of execution. These results contribute to new refl ections to increase the understanding of creativity, sport and refereeing relationship.
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