Expatriation and adaptation of volleyball players to the new social context


  • Ivan Wallan Tertuliano Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, São Paulo, SP, Brasil.
  • José Maria Montiel Universidade São Judas Tadeu, São Paulo, SP, Brasil.
  • Daniel Bartholomeu Centro Universitário Padre Anchieta, Jundiaí, SP, Brasil.
  • Marina Cristina Villela Centro Universitário Fundação Instituto de Ensino para Osasco, Osasco, SP, Brasil.
  • Afonso Antonio Machado Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Rio Claro, SP, Brasil.




Sports Psychology, Expatriation, Volleyball, Social context, Adaptation


The purpose of this manuscript was to analyze the adaptation of Volleyball athletes to the new social context, after changing team and city to continue their career, both in the international context and in the national context. Participated 68 people (48 athletes and 20 former athletes), 43 men and 25 women, with a mean age of 27,29 years. Participants were divided into 2 research groups: G1 (International Athletes) and G2 (National Athletes). An instrument was used, with structured questions, which could have open or closed responses with 5-point Likert-type responses. The instrument used was developed and evaluated as evidence of validity via TRI, using the adjustment to the Rasch model. In this manuscript, only the questions pertinent to the purpose of the manuscript were analyzed. For the analyzes between groups, the t-test was used for independent samples and for intra-group analysis, absolute and relative frequency of responses one-way ANOVA, dependent t-test and Pearson's correlation. The results showed that both groups showed good adaptation to the new social context, greatly influenced by the ease of services offered by cities and non-discrimination. In addition, the participants of the two groups were able to form new friends, which facilitated their conviviality in the new social context, outings and extra-club relations. In view of these results, it can be concluded that the participants of this study demonstrated adequate personal resources to adapt to the context
changes, quite possibly because they used coping strategies for this social confrontation.



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How to Cite

Tertuliano, I. W. ., Montiel, J. M. ., Bartholomeu, D. ., Villela, M. C. ., & Machado, A. A. . (2021). Expatriation and adaptation of volleyball players to the new social context. Brazilian Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 35(3), 27-41. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1981-4690.v35i3p27-41