The sports consumer and the New Basketball Brazil (NBB): analysis of fan profile in 2016-17 finals games
Communication, Sport Management, Marketing, NBB, Brazil’s National Basketball LeagueAbstract
This article aims to study the connections between basketball and its fans and to analyze the profile of sports fans that attended the two last finals games of the NBB (New Basketball Brazil, the main men’s Brazilian tournament), in its ninth edition, in 2017. We conducted a qualitative study: 39 questions were answered by fans chosen randomly before the game, inside and around the arenas. The two games occurred in São Paulo and Araraquara, cities of São Paulo State, in 2017. We analyzed 91 questionnaires and observed the sponsorship activations during the events. The results were the base to a semi-structured interview with Marketing and Communications Manager at Brazil’s National Basketball League (LNB). The results indicate the predominance of a male, young and high purchasing power (57% of respondents have a monthly family income above R $ 4,500) attendance in the arenas. These fans present a high affective involvement with basketball and their teams, but they don’t have a monetary involvement, because they don’t spend money to benefit the clubs. The communication by social media reaches a high proportion of the public that answered the questionnaire, and these fans approve entertainment actions during sports events. Therefore, the NBB and Brazilian professional basketball teams could improve their relationship with the fans. The LNB has adopted successful practices abroad in sport management since 2008 and has achieved partnerships with big companies and communications groups. In addition, the League announced in 2014 a groundbreaking multiyear partnership with National Basketball Association (NBA). There are still management deficiencies to be overcome in Brazilian basketball teams, and this paper intends to contribute to this process.
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