The history of Physical Education subject in vocational schools: entrance, disappearing, and the returning to Porto Alegre?s Federal School


  • Eduardo Marczwski da Silva Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande dos Sul
  • Alex Branco Fraga Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; Escola de Educação Física



This article proposes to tell the history of Physical Education subject at the oldest Porto Alegre’s Vocational School. The text was built up from the analyses of documents related to the teaching process developed in the School between 1966 and 2012. After the analyses, this history was told in three thematic categories which represent the entrance of Physical Education subject in the School’s curricula; the disappearing of Physical Education subject from the School’s curricula; and, finally, the returning of Physical Education subject to the School’s curricula. The recently return of Physical Education subject in this School’s curricula occurs in a new course (that offers a Technical Course degree plus High School degree) and it indicates a change in the practice that had been historically performed during Physical Education classes at this Vocational School.


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How to Cite

Silva, E. M. da, & Fraga, A. B. (2014). The history of Physical Education subject in vocational schools: entrance, disappearing, and the returning to Porto Alegre?s Federal School . Brazilian Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 28(2), 263-272.