Accounting treatment of joint operations in Brazil in light of the current accounting standards


  • Raquel Wille Sarquis Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Departamento de Contabilidade e Atuária, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
  • Ariovaldo dos Santos Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Departamento de Contabilidade e Atuária, São Paulo, SP, Brazil



joint operations, individual statements, CPC 19/IFRS 11, non-compliance


The aim of this paper was to analyze the accounting treatment used by companies in Brazil that have investments in joint operations, in light of the Brazilian and international accounting standards. There are no doubts about the accounting treatment to be used in consolidated statements, but a divergence was identified between the international and Brazilian standards in relation to individual statements. IFRS 11 determines that investors recognize the values of a joint operation proportionally in consolidated and separate statements. However, the Brazilian standard includes a paragraph determining that only joint operations with no legal personality can be measured in individual statements proportionally. CPC 19 foresees different accounting treatments depending on the legal form of the joint operation, omitting the accounting treatment to be used in joint operations with a separate vehicle. The topic of joint operations is relevant, as the accounting treatment used in Brazil can mean our accounting practices do not comply with the international ones. Besides contributing to the literature on joint businesses, this essay indicates to regulatory bodies the need to modify the Brazilian standard so that it fits the international ones. As well as discussing the current standard, an analysis was carried out of companies in Brazil that have joint operations and the respective accounting treatments used to infer how well they fit the international standards. The results indicate that the accounting statements of the companies in Brazil with joint operations, composed through a separate vehicle, do not comply with the international standards. The main contribution of this essay is that it draws the attention of companies, auditors, and regulators to this non-compliance.


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How to Cite

Sarquis, R. W., & Santos, A. dos. (2021). Accounting treatment of joint operations in Brazil in light of the current accounting standards. Revista Contabilidade & Finanças, 32(87), 390-397.