Self-determination theory: an analysis of student motivation in an accounting degree program


  • Edvalda Araújo Leal Universidade Federal de Uberlândia; Departamento de Ciências Contábeis
  • Gilberto José Miranda Universidade Federal de Uberlândia; Departamento de Ciências Contábeis
  • Carlos Roberto Souza Carmo Universidade Federal de Uberlândia; Departamento de Ciências Contábeis



The Self-Determination Theory has been widely discussed in the field of motivation in school learning and, according to some researchers, this theory can be summarized as a continuum of self-determination that indicates six types of motivation, which vary qualitatively according to the internalization of external rules of behavior. In this sense, the present study aimed to evaluate the motivation of Accounting Science students in a public university in light of the Self-Determination Theory. The research sample consisted of 259 students enrolled in all academic terms of the Accounting degree program of a public higher education institution in Brazil. The survey results were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis, which identified seven factors that explain 61.09% of the total data variability. The results of the present study are somewhat consistent with those found in previous studies, and the motivation for learning was quite diverse among the students studied. However, some students were concerned with deepening their level of expertise or achieving adequate foundations for their future role. Others were concerned only with getting their diploma or were present in classes simply to meet attendance requirements. These findings show the relevance of studies on the teaching of Accounting because the field has epistemological peculiarities that must be considered while teaching and learning. It is important to emphasize the importance of understanding and evaluating students' motivational levels because this will facilitate planning while encouraging and exploring motivation in academic settings.


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How to Cite

Leal, E. A., Miranda, G. J., & Carmo, C. R. S. (2013). Self-determination theory: an analysis of student motivation in an accounting degree program . Revista Contabilidade & Finanças, 24(62), 162-173.