The Double-entry Bookkeeping Committee of 1914 and the Brazilian Public Accounting System


  • Tiago Villac Adde Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo
  • Sérgio de Iudícibus Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo; Department of Accounting and Actuarial Sciences
  • Álvaro Augusto Ricardino Filho Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo; Department of Accounting Sciences
  • Eliseu Martins University of São Paulo; Department of Accounting



The history of Brazilian accounting has not been explored at length. Through a historical survey, this article presents the history of the Double-entry Bookkeeping Committee of 1914. After the Proclamation of the Republic was announced in 1889, the government started to expand its administrative bodies, necessitating the introduction of a bureaucracy able to perform new functions. In the same period, Brazil experienced a strong economic development with the development of its coffee industry. In 1905, under the leadership of Carlos de Carvalho, São Paulo State Treasury bookkeeping tasks were introduced under a double-entry bookkeeping system and through accrual and financial accounting. Double-entry bookkeeping practices in the federal public accounting system, although enshrined in law since 1808, were only fully realized after the creation of the Double-entry Bookkeeping Committee in 1914. In that same year, due to the negotiation of a second funding loan, English creditor bank auditors requested a balance of the National Treasury from the Minister of Finance Rivadávia Corrêa. Because the balance had not been prepared in eight years, the Double-entry Bookkeeping Committee was established in June of 1914, and this body completed a technical audit of Revenues and Expenditures. The committee also conducted the state administration's first Asset and Liability audit since the colonial era. The Double-entry Bookkeeping Committee of 1914 spearheaded changes to the Brazilian public accounting system, including the creation of the Public Accounting Code in 1922 and the approval of Central Accounting Office of the Republic regulation in 1924, strengthening and ascribing perpetuity to practices adopted after 1914.


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How to Cite

Adde, T. V., Iudícibus, S. de, Ricardino Filho, Álvaro A., & Martins, E. (2014). The Double-entry Bookkeeping Committee of 1914 and the Brazilian Public Accounting System . Revista Contabilidade & Finanças, 25(spe), 321-333.