Considerations about the genesis of the upper Preto River hanging valley on the border of the Resende Basin




River capture, Escarpment, Paraíba do Sul Rift, Mantiqueira Range


This study aims to investigate the genesis of the hanging valley of the upper Preto river, taking into account its position at the border of a continental rift and its proximity to the drainage divide between the basins of the Grande and Paraíba do Sul rivers. The upper course of Preto river is located in the Mantiqueira Range and establishes the boundary between the states of Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro. The investigation focused on the identification of possible drainage anomalies or lithostructural and tectonic controls that could be associated with the formation of the hanging valley. A combined analysis of digital elevation models, geological maps, topographic profiles and field observations was performed. Geomorphological evidence indicates that the intramontane depression in which the upper valley of the Preto river is located had its genesis primarily associated with erosive causes and not with tectonic movements that would form a fault staircase on the Mantiqueira Range. The hanging valley can be interpreted as a product of the erosive retraction of the fault border of the Resende Basin, which locally would have culminated in a river capture. The parallelism between the Preto river and the Mantiqueira escarpment was essential for the occurrence of the phenomenon, as well as the presence of a fault zone approximately perpendicular to the escarpment. The genesis of the hanging valley through a rivercapture reaffirms the relevant role of drainage rearrangements in the evolution of rift flanks.


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How to Cite

Rezende, Éric A., & Salgado, A. A. R. (2020). Considerations about the genesis of the upper Preto River hanging valley on the border of the Resende Basin. Revista Do Departamento De Geografia, 40, 49-60.