Morphometric and hydrological characterization of High Sapucaí Hydrographic Basin, Minas Gerais
Orbital Hydrology, Fluviometry, Rainfall, Water ResourcesAbstract
The morphometric characterization of hydrographic basins is essential for hydrological and environmental analysis. It allows can contribute to policies for planning and managing natural resources and preventing floods. This work analyzed the morphometric and hydrological characteristics of the High Sapucaí River basin, south of Minas Gerais State, to provide technical support for the proper management of its water resources. For this purpose, the parameters river density, drainage density, relief ratio, roughness index, compactness coefficient, form factor and maintenance coefficient were calculated. The flow data were obtained by the fluvial monitoring station of the National Water Agency and organized by the Computational System for Hydrological Analysis and the Excel application to obtain, from 1994 to 2013, the average annual flow, long-term average flow, maximum long-term flow, flow long-term minimum and deviations the average. Precipitation data were obtained by the Climate Hazards Group Infrared Precipitation with Stations and gathered in average monthly precipitation and average annual precipitation for the period. The dataset allowed to characterize the Alto Sapucaí Hydrographic Basin as prone to flooding, due to the values of drainage density greater than 15.01, river density greater than 3.01 and compactness coefficient of 0.89. These values indicate the need for flood prevention strategies, such as the reestablishment of green areas and avoiding anthropic occupation in these areas.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Lucas Emanuel Servidoni, Joaquim Ernesto Bernardes Ayer, Paulo Vitor Moraes Estella, Gabriel Henrique De Oliveira, Ronaldo Luiz Mincato

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