Relations between landslide breaking points and morphometric patterns, River Rolante hydrographic basin - RS
Mass Movements, K-means, Slope, Plan CurvatureAbstract
Landslides in Brazil are related to extreme rainfall events, soil type and thickness, and relief characteristics, and often cause social losses and economic damage. This study aimed to analyze the landslides related to an extreme hydrometeorological event, in the Rolante River Basin - RS, and to relate breaking points and morphometric parameters of these landslides. From SRTM 30m images, data on the slope, elevation, horizontal and vertical curvature and appearance were obtained. Based on the mapping, 143 rupture points in sliding scars were obtained. Using K-means grouping, morphometric patterns related to the breaking points were identified, and slant profiles were generated. The results show 4 types of slopes in the Rolante River basin, with the occurrence of landslide processes. Concave and convergent profiles had fewer occurrences, and convex and divergent profiles had more occurrence. Based on the averages of the main cluster groupings, the slope and curvatures had the greatest importance in relation to the location of the slope ruptures, which were important determinants of susceptibility to landslides. The averages of the clusters occurred above 30º of slope in the cluster with 4 clusters, which was the most representative.
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