The typology of climate classification applied to the state of São Paulo




Climatic units, Climatological water balance, Climate scales, Applied climatology


This article proposes a new climate classification system for the state of São Paulo based on a mapping carried out by Novais (2019). This classification is based on a hierarchy, divided into: (1st) Climate Zone, (2nd) Zonal Climate, (3rd) Domain, (4th) Subdomain, (5th) Type and (6th) Climate Subtype. The average air temperature of the coldest month is the main thermal variable used in the work, obtained by means of reanalysis data with high spatial resolution (1 km), provided by the CHELSA algorithm (Climatology in high resolution for the earth's surface), where it appears also the monthly rainfall values ​​from 1979 to 2013. The adopted climatic classification considers that the state of São Paulo is in two Climatic Zones, one hot (north of the Tropic of Capricorn) and another Moderate (south of the same tropic). Among the Zone Climates there is also the hot and the Moderate, but with influence of the temperature. 4 domains were identified in the study area: Tropical, Moderate Tropical, Subtropical and Cold Subtropical. These domains were divided into 4 climatic subdomains, considering the number of dry months (humid, semi-humid, semi-dry and dry). The methodology for determining dry month consists of the difference between rainfall and potential evapotranspiration, one of the main elements of the Thornthwaite Normal Climatic Water Balance. The Climatic Types were also delimited, demonstrating the location of the Domains and Subdomains in the study area: Coastal, Southern and Northern. The last climatic hierarchy stems from the role of geomorphological units, which significantly alter the sub-regional climate. The result was the mapping and spatialization of 87 subtypes, showing a more precise location of the climatic unit, as in plateaus, plains and depressions of the relief.


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How to Cite

Novais, G. T., & Galvani, E. . (2022). The typology of climate classification applied to the state of São Paulo. Revista Do Departamento De Geografia, 42, e184630.