The internationalization of the Brazilian national team (1930-2022)




World Cup, Brazil, 1930-2022, Soccer teams


the article analyzes, retrospectively, the process of expansion and diversification in the number of professional football teams that sent athletes to compose the Brazilian team in each of the World Cups that occurred. The period studied begins in 1930 and ends in 2022. The initial objective is to draw a cartographic panorama of the data collected, related to the athletes summoned in each edition of the dispute, so that this material subsidizes the geographical analysis of the phenomenon of "modernizations" and "internationalizations" that football has been through (especially Brazilian football). The composition of the casts analyzed allowed to characterize the process of geographical expansion of the range of the list of players called to represent Brazil in the World Cups, poses hypotheses and make considerations about the historical process of development of this sport. As a result, five successive subperiods were identified, represented in the text by the following subitems: 3.1 - The definition of the rules of the game (1863-1904); 3.2 - The maturation of football in Brazil (1894-1950); 3.3 - Brazilian football becomes hegemonic (1954-1978); 3.4 - The globalization of FIFA and of the Brazilian football (1982-1998); 3.5 - Towards the absolute internationalization of the Brazilian team? (2002-2022). It deals, in a complementary plan, with how transmission technologies, interconnectivity and globalization impact this process as a whole.


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Especial Copa do Mundo 2022: Geografias do Futebol - Conexões Possíveis

How to Cite

Sampaio, M. de A. P. (2023). The internationalization of the Brazilian national team (1930-2022). Revista Do Departamento De Geografia, 42, e202895 .

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