Boldness and joy: Qatar’s sportswashing and soft power through football




Soft power, Sportswashing, Football, Globalization, Qatar


The 2022 World Cup, organized by Federation Internationale de Football Association, represents the highest level of a strategy launched by its host Qatar, a little Persian Gulf country, to raise its relevance towards the international community, allowing itself more legitimacy, security and influence to the regime. Part of this strategy has also included the Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) purchase and the project to make it a world class level team. The negotiations between this club and some footballers, especially the Brazilian star Neymar Júnior and the French international Kyllian Mbappé, both as football’s most expensive transfers by their times. The financing of those achievements is possible by Qatar hydrocarbon wealthness. Qatar adopts a strategy to employ a sport as a tool of soft power by the income obtained with hydrocarbon profiteering, then multiplying its influence in the international scenario and becoming itself a more relevant player for energy geopolitics. This article means to study how this strategy has been employed and to elucidate how football can be used as a geopolitical weapon. 


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Especial Copa do Mundo 2022: Geografias do Futebol - Conexões Possíveis

How to Cite

Almeida, R. A. ., & Pereira, A. dos S. A. (2022). Boldness and joy: Qatar’s sportswashing and soft power through football. Revista Do Departamento De Geografia, 42, e203554 .