Field chronicles in Venezuelan Guyana : Nature, circulation and mining in Troncal 10 highway




Tran-rodoguianense, Venezuela, Mines, Troncal 10 highway


In a field chronicle format, this text analyzes some pertinent questions about road transport by "Trans-rodoguianense", taking the Venezuelan Troncal 10 road as a reference. Brazil, French Guiana (France), Suriname, Republic of Guyana, and Venezuela. In the text, we highlight: the very diverse vegetation on the path, the most peculiar relief of the region, the indigenous communities, the dangerous path, and the mining areas. Finally, we consider the border towns of Santa Elena do Uairén (VE) and Pacaraima (BR). For that, the primary methodological basis was the fieldwork that allowed us to have several photographic records, open interviews, and documentary consultations. We conclude that the socioeconomic problem that Venezuela has been going through in the last decade has been dramatic for people's lives, at least in the path taken. Mines, guerrillas, and armed civil groups summarize the great challenges to rebuild economic and environmentally more adequate relationships for a better future for the Venezuelan people along Troncal 10. The twin cities of Pacaraima (BR) and Santa Elena do Uairén (VE) clearly demonstrate the change in socioeconomic relationships established between them at least in the last decade. The first ceased to be a city with few residents, almost all Brazilians, and an insignificant economic dimension, to become an important commercial warehouse and home to many more Venezuelans than Brazilians.


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Author Biography

  • Gutemberg de Vilhena Silva, Grupo de Pesquisa Políticas Territoriais e Desenvolvimento

    I graduated (UNIFAP), Master (UFRGS) and Doctorate (UFRJ) in Geography with Post-Doctorate from the University of São Paulo (USP), in 2015, and from the Sorbonne Nouvelle University, Paris 3, in 2016. I created and coordinate the Group Policy Research and Development (POTEDES). My current interests focus on assessing geopolitical aspects of the Guyana region.


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How to Cite

Silva, G. de V., & Miceli, C. D. (2023). Field chronicles in Venezuelan Guyana : Nature, circulation and mining in Troncal 10 highway. Revista Do Departamento De Geografia, 43, e208231 .

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