Microreliefs: forms and pedogeomorphological processes with emphasis on gilgais in semi-arid environment





Expansive clays, Patterned ground, Microtopography, Vertisol, Soil and landform


Microreliefs are present in several terrestrial ecosystems, including on other planets, such as Mars. These can be indicators of environments with a greater presence of humidity (such as in semi-arid regions), they can be indicators of the presence of expansive clays (2:1), bioturbation or the occurrence of permafrost (in periglacial environments). In the national literature there is a large gap regarding the gilgal microreliefs of the Brazilian semi-arid region. The objective of this study was to analyze the genesis, morphology and features associated with microreliefs, in different terrestrial environments, with an emphasis on gilgais in semi-arid environments based on a bibliographic review study. In areas with microreliefs, soil disturbance occurs in a widespread manner, being associated with freezing, bioturbation, or clay disturbance. In this way, the opening of preferential paths for water percolation (through cracks or channels) is remarkable. In semi-arid tropical environments, the primordial process for the genesis of gilgais is associated with the presence of expansive clays with high activity and accumulation models with a greater occurrence of wetting and drying cycles. Landscapes with microreliefs have in common a complexity of pedological and geomorphological processes, which in order to better discover interscalar relationships, from macro to micro and vice-versa.


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How to Cite

Lira, D. I., Lopes, D. do V. ., Ximenes Neto, A. R., & Cordeiro, A. M. N. (2024). Microreliefs: forms and pedogeomorphological processes with emphasis on gilgais in semi-arid environment. Revista Do Departamento De Geografia, 44, e225601 . https://doi.org/10.11606/eISSN.2236-2878.rdg.2024.225601