Volunteered Geographic Information: a 10-year bibliometric investigation
https://doi.org/10.11606/eISSN.2236-2878.rdg.2023.181687Palabras clave:
Crowdsourced Geographic Information, Collaborative Mapping, Participatory Mapping, BibliometricsResumen
Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) has become more evident at the same time as open-source platforms become worldwide popular, both resulting from people easily accessing geographic information on their smartphones. Aiming to investigate the main aspects of this research field, a bibliometric investigation was developed focusing on 10-year period (2011-2020). The analyses were performed based on Scopus database, VOS Viewer and Bibliometrix softwares, approaching: publications over years, document types, subject areas, core sources, main papers, countries, authors and most recurrent keywords. The initial results indicated that: publications have increased at an annual rate of 21.69%, the most published document type was article and only 16 journals were responsible for 33.33% of those 1200 articles published. USA, Germany and UK are major countries researching VGI and the last two are also host countries of the main authors. Although the term VGI has been defined among Citizen Science, the network of keywords occurrence showed that GIS (Geographic Information Systems) is an outstanding study field. However, the network visualization based on average publication per year revealed Citizen Science as a research field still moving forward. Keywords such as OpenStreetMap, data quality, accuracy assessment, social media and crowdsourcing showed to be more widespread among the field, the opposite occurs with applications in urban areas, land use and ecosystem services. Overall, the bibliometric indicators have revealed to be effective in order to access VGI as a research topic and indicated a promising trend in themes involving social media, remote sensing, urban area, crowdsourcing and PPGIS.
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