Education for another possible world in order to make head against the challenges of capitalist globalization


  • Elifas Levi da Silva Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Educação
  • Elisabete Ferreira Esteves Campos Secretaria Municipal de Educação de São Bernardo do Campo; Equipe de Orientação Técnica
  • Lucimara Rocha de Oliveira Centro de Formação Pedagógica de Itapeva
  • Manuel Marquez Viscaíno Júnior Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo; Secretaria Municipal da Educação



capitalism, education, globalization


The word globalization, openly used, it is becoming meaningless. It has been used for trying to explain everything but, in fact, it does not explain anything. To reflect about this meaningless we look for theoretical supporting in ideas of three great contemporaneous thinkers: István Mészáros, Zygmunt Bauman and António Teodoro, concerning to what is globalization, its concepts, its roots, its effects, with special attention to the role of education and of the school among this scenario. Each author contributes to the discussion broaching some aspects about globalization processes in our capitalist society and indicating decurrent problems of the predominance of market laws. We can say that globalization began during the period of great navigations, but the globalization processes intensified in the petroliferous crises at 70's. From the technological development, the Internet, transnational societies and others factors, the market started to attain the whole world instead of a certain country. It takes the power of the nations and it submits the countries and their people to the capital interests. Although, there are authors who believe in the possibility of construction of alternatives to capitalism, through the rupture in the ordainments of the system of capital. In this task, the education, in a large way, would have the aim of to face the hegemonic internalizations for a new conscience able to win the reification of the capital. Education, in this way, can construct another logic through the formation of a critical conscience against the consumist education, against the environment degradation, inequalities, wars. Instead of it all, education can valorize and assume the human rights, the cultural diversity, the participation of everybody in the social life and in the decidable processes


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Fundamentos da Educação e Alfabetização

How to Cite

Silva, E. L. da, Campos, E. F. E., Oliveira, L. R. de, & Viscaíno Júnior, M. M. (2007). Education for another possible world in order to make head against the challenges of capitalist globalization . Acolhendo a Alfabetização Nos Países De Língua Portuguesa, 1(2), 70-84.