Alphabetization and literacy... the waking and knowledge's weft in the trailed ways
alphabetization, literacy, reading, writingAbstract
The world is full of several different types of languages, but oral and written languages are a privilege we have, as human beings, to communicate. We make use of them to interact with the world and our fellows, in spite of the sociocultural differences among us. However, we read the world to make reading meaningful, as the great Brazilian educator Paulo Freire taught us. We learn reading by reading, the same way we learn writing by writing. We understand language by building meaning from what we read. This work shows the experience of learning to read and to write from meaning to ourselves and to the world, and it allows some reflections about teaching and learning taking into consideration previous knowledge, which is part literacy from different reading strategies with children, teenagers and adultsDownloads
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Fundamentos da Educação e Alfabetização
Apenas el trabajo es aceptado por el Consejo y la Comisión Editorial, los autores se comprometen a transferir los derechos de autor para la revista "Acolhendo a Alfabetização nos Países de Língua Portuguesa". |
How to Cite
Fernandes, A. da P. (2008). Alphabetization and literacy... the waking and knowledge’s weft in the trailed ways . Acolhendo a Alfabetização Nos Países De Língua Portuguesa, 2(3), 107-120.