The Covid-19 pandemic highlights the vulnerability in the health of Brazilian indigenous population
Indigenous, Xavantes, Fernanda Viegas Reichardt, pandemic, Covid-19Abstract
The interview with the researcher Fernanda Viegas Reichadt, a collaborator of the Institute for Advanced Studies (IEA) at USP, took place between April and May 2020. The aim is to discuss the panorama of indigenous lands in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. With a Bachelor in Law and a PhD in Applied Ecology, the researcher goes beyond the topic related to the pandemic and affirms that the health issue is one of the bases of the vulnerability of Brazilian indigenous population. Her involvement in multidisciplinary studies on the indigenous theme, allows us to point out that the lack of information and the absence of the State in the villages prevent the development of effective public policies. The interviewee is part of a group of researchers that seeks to reverse this context through scientific collaboration, conducting case studies and promoting actions for the community.
Sousa Santos, B. de. (2007). Para além do pensamento abissal: das linhas globais a uma ecologia de saberes. Novos estudos CEBRAP. Recuperado []. Consultado [13-05-2020].
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