Reciprocity bonds: systems of alliances between some of the principals of a Minas Gerais region (1726-1784)




Social networks, afluente, comarca do Rio das Velhas


To portray chains of solidarity made up by some figures with a marked degree of interference in the political and social life of the Rio das Velhas District is the purpose of this article, in the interregnum from 1726 to 1784. In pursuit of this objective, a diverse range of testimonies will be recruited, aiming at the composition of a mosaic in which the social fabric can be analyzed. When there is an aphonia of a source, or even sparse information, the use of others that can fill the open gaps will be used. The preview of the social life of the region emanating from sources of the Overseas Historical Archive, parish documents, ecclesiastical judgment, among others, will be the path to be followed in the desired reconstruction. In dealing with the documentation highlighted above, it is worth pointing out the methodological roadmap to be followed, that is, looking at the movement that impels social groups to continually reinvent themselves day after day, dynamically adjusting to new ways of living or solutions to change, which shape relational aspects between them. In all fields, improvisation won the norm and habits.


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Author Biography

  • Hilton César de Oliveira, Universidade Federal Fluminense

    PhD in History from Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF, Brazil).


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How to Cite

Reciprocity bonds: systems of alliances between some of the principals of a Minas Gerais region (1726-1784). (2021). Revista De Estudios Brasileños, 8(16), 35-54.