Biological reproduction and social classes


  • Rosa Maria Godoy Serpa da Fonseca Universidade de São Paulo; Escola de Enfermagem



The idealistic conception of the woman health assistance programs, which ignores the social determinants of the biological reproduction, gives to the facts an explanation based on models which instead of reaching the real causes of the problems, places an ideological curtain that distorts reality and therefore offer solutions which only permit to obtain the adequate pragmatic results, without touching the actual structural causes which can unbalance the system. In view of this fact we intend to develop a research with the objectives of knowing and explaining the biological reproductive profile, according to the insertion of is a specific reproductive profile, socially determined by the peculiar forms of production and consumption of each social class. We consider that the analysis of the data through the frame of the historical and dialectic materialism, permits the scientific explanation of the biological facts, among which the biological reproduction. The study has the purpose of obtaining subsides form the qualitative and quantitative transformation of the woman health programs on a real base, corresponding to the peculiar situation of the social classes in which is inserted the selected population.


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How to Cite

Fonseca, R. M. G. S. da. (1988). Biological reproduction and social classes. Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da USP, 22(2), 251-252.