A esthetic procedures: client's perception regarding the information given for the decision making process


  • Ana Maria Auricchio Centro Universitário São Camilo
  • Maria Cristina Komatsu Braga Massarollo USP; Escola de Enfermagem; Departamento de Orientação Profissional




Informed consent, Personal autonomy, Surgery, Plastic, Bioethics


This research verified client's perception regarding the infor-mation given and freedom of choice for the decision making process related to aesthetic procedures. It was carried out with a sample of 44 clients of the clinic where the study was conducted. Data collection was based on 28 propositions classified in three categories: Information, Competence and Freedom, and two scales to measure client's perception concerning the elucidation of the information provided and freedom of choice. Most clients were married women, with a University degree, professional background classified in levels III, IV and V, monthly income above 30 minimum wages, and in the age group from 41 to 50 years old. There was a predominance of clinical treatment compared to surgical ones, and superiority on the average score given to Competence compared to Information provided and Freedom. Based on the scales concerning client's perception, we concluded that in general clients felt they were fully informed and were free to choose the procedures that suited them best.






Original Article

How to Cite

Auricchio, A. M., & Massarollo, M. C. K. B. (2007). A esthetic procedures: client’s perception regarding the information given for the decision making process. Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da USP, 41(1), 13-20. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0080-62342007000100002