Obstetric practices in planned home births assisted in Brazil
Home Childbirth, Humanizing Delivery, Obstetric Nursing, Observational StudyAbstract
Objective: To describe obstetric practices in planned home births, assisted by qualified professionals in Brazil. Method: This is a descriptive study, with data collected in an online bank maintained by 49 professionals from December 2014 to November 2015, in which the target population was women and newborns assisted in home births. Data were analyzed through descriptive statistics. Results: A total of 667 women and 665 newborns were included. Most of the women gave birth at home (84.4%), in a nonlithotomic position (99.1%); none underwent episiotomy; 32.3% had intact perineum; and 37.8% had firstdegree lacerations, some underwent amniotomy (5.4%), oxytocin administration (0.4%), and Kristeller’s maneuver (0.2%); 80.8% of the women with a previous cesarean section had home birth. The rate of transfer of parturients was 15.6%, of puerperal women was 1.9%, and of neonates 1.6%. The rate of cesarean section in the parturients that started labor at home was 9.0%. Conclusion: The obstetric practices taken are consistent with the scientific evidence; however, unnecessary interventions are still performed. The rates of cesarean sections and maternal and neonatal transfers are low. Home can be a place of birth option for women seeking a physiological delivery.

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