Drugs used in bone marrow transplantation: a study about combinations of antimicrobial potentially interactives


  • Rosimeire Barbosa Fonseca Universidade de São Paulo; Escola de Enfermagem; Programa de Pós-Graduação
  • Silvia Regina Secoli Universidade de São Paulo; Escola de Enfermagem; Departamento de Enfermagem Médico-Cirúrgica




Bone marrow transplantation, Drug interactions, Oncologic nursing


The study aimed at characterizing the profile of the drugs and identify combinations between potentially interactive anti-microbial drugs used in patients who underwent bone marrow transplantation (BMT). The analysis covered 70 prescription medications for BMT patients hospitalized at Instituto do Coração, São Paulo, Brazil. Medications were classified according to the Alpha system, listing their interactive potential and pharmacological characteristics according to literature. Data were analyzed through descriptive statistics. Results showed that 72.7% of drugs presented an interactive potential, with precipitators (79.2%) and fluconazole (85.7%), high-lighted as the most involved anti-microbial in the combinations, associated to omeprazole in 40% of the samples. BMT patients were frequently administered combinations of potentially interactive drugs. This condition, when associated with simultaneous schedules, could predispose patients to undesirable events, thus affecting the security of the therapy.


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How to Cite

Fonseca, R. B., & Secoli, S. R. (2008). Drugs used in bone marrow transplantation: a study about combinations of antimicrobial potentially interactives. Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da USP, 42(4), 706-714. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0080-62342008000400013