A3 methodology: going beyond process improvement


  • Universidade do Vale do Itajaí, Santa Catarina
  • Universidade do Vale do Itajaí, Santa Catarina




Tool A3, Continuous improvement, Setup, Production, Performance


Purpose – This technological article deals with a case study to implement an improvement to reduce the
machine setup of an industrial process, in addition to the development of people using the A3 methodology for
Design/methodology/approach – As a research method, action research was used in a single-case study
applied to a motorcycle production company, using the concept of the A3 report for problem-solving as the
theoretical basis.
Findings – The implementation of the improvement in the process resulted in a reduction of 70.4% of the
preparation time (setup) of the machines, thus eliminating the need to add a third production shift.
Research limitations/implications – It has been applied to only one company, so it lacks a feasibility check
to be implemented in other companies.
Practical implications – Regarding its practical contribution, the authors first consider that the proposed
method can also be applied in small and medium-sized companies (SMEs), since the investment in this problemsolving approach is low without necessarily implementing the lean production system that, it is usually
complex, time-consuming and requires the allocation of a substantial amount of resources by companies. The
second practical contribution of this work is that the proposed A3 problem-solving methodology can serve as a
guide for managers to implement or improve different industrial and service processes.
Originality/value – It has been applied to only one company, so it lacks a feasibility check to be implemented
in other companies


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How to Cite

A3 methodology: going beyond process improvement. (2023). REGE Revista De Gestão, 30(2), 147-161. https://doi.org/10.1108/REGE-03-2021-0047