Main elements involved in the startup scalability process: a study on Brazilian agtechs


  • Paulo Henrique Bertucci Ramos School of Economics, Business and Accounting, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo
  • Marcelo Caldeira Pedroso School of Economics, Business and Accounting, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo



Business model innovation, Entrepreneurship, Scalability, Startups, Agribusiness


Purpose – The study aimsto analyze the main elements associated with the evolution of Brazilian agtechs
from the initial conception of the business model to becoming companies in the scale-up stage.
Design/methodology/approach –The exploratory research was conducted based on data collected through
in-depth interviews. The answers were analyzed quantitatively using descending hierarchical classification
(DHC) and correspondence factor analysis (CFA) and qualitatively using content analysis.
Findings – Five main elements were identified as responsible for the evolution of the companies up to their
entering the scale-up phase: (1) governance, (2) decisions inherent to resource allocation, (3) monitoring of
strategic, tactical and operational activities, (4) fostering human capital development and (5) business model
validation. Each element presents a set of performance indicators that show the scalability of these
Practical implications – The model developed can help companies that have not yet advanced from the
conception of the business model to the scalability of different sectors, in addition to agribusiness.
Social implications – Proposal of a model that presents the main elements that impact on scalability and
respective indicators that contributed to the scalability process of Brazilian agtechs.
Originality/value –This study contributed to advancing the knowledge on the organizational life cycle (OLC)
of agricultural startups, particularly regarding the factors responsible for their scalability.


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Como Citar

Main elements involved in the startup scalability process: a study on Brazilian agtechs. (2022). REGE Revista De Gestão, 29(3), 220-237.