What the eyes don't see, the heart doesn't buy: the Premium Motors case
Market positioning, Automotive dealership, LuxuryResumo
PurposeThis teaching case aims to encourage reflection on the formulation of the strategic repositioning of an automotive dealership.
Design/methodology/approachBuilt on the teaching case method, it portrays the situation of the Premium Motors automotive dealership in the face of a strategic repositioning. Management and the board discuss ways to minimize the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on sales figures. The situation presents the possibility of entering a new product segment.
FindingsHow to make consumers correctly understand the new positioning? The case is structured to enable reflection and teaching of marketing strategies, with each student having the possibility of putting themselves in the role of company managers. The environment and trajectory are also portrayed, broadening the perception of the studied company and providing devices for solving the emerging problems of the case.
Originality/valueThe case becomes a tool to promote knowledge, from the implementation to the management of strategic repositioning. Thus, the teaching notes offer directions on how professors can use the teaching case with their undergraduate and graduate students in disciplines related to strategy and marketing.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Guilherme Henrique Vieira Noveletto, Jailson Lana, Raul Beal Partyka, João Roberto Rocha Lemos

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