The classics in the Nights: comparative study betweenPenélope and Šahrāzād
Penelope, Šahrāzād, IntertextualityAbstract
Although the repercussion of the Greek culture of the Arabian Nights does not receive as much attention as the Indian or biblical, it exists and it can be found through in the book. Among these contributions, we can mention classic poems such as Iliad and Homer's Odyssey. Thus, this research offers similarities between the female characters Penelope and Šahrāzād. In this way, this research attempts to discover what meanings arise as a result of Penelope's presence in Šahrāzād, based on the notions of the concepts by Fowler (1997), in order to understand the cultural acts left by Homer in medieval Islam. In the same way, it is intended to verify how the characters mentioned collaborate for the vision of female sexuality in Antiquity and the Middle Ages.
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