walad: Feto ou Filho; A Restauração do Sentido Original de Gn 11:30


  • Suzana Chwarts




Hebrew Bible, Matriarchs, Divine Promise, Sterility


This research focuses on the phrase ein lah walad in Gen 11:30, as it has been interpreted by ancient and modern exegetes as redundant to aqarah, or still as a scribal mistake. Through literary and philological analysis, I identified an inner cycle within the wider Abraham and Saras cycle of sterility - that stresses both Saras and Abrahams biological impossibility of conceiving. This inner cycle is framed by reproductive terminology such as walad ( Gen 11:30 ) ywaled ( Gen 17:17 ) - behiwwaled (Gen 21:5 ) terms that are thematically, semantically and phonetically, interconnected and define a beginning and a closure to the cycle. The choice of these words reveals an accurate precision that confers contours and coherence to this inner cycle that begins with Saras absence of a fetus - an inexorable impossibility - and ends with Isaacs miraculous birth at the improbable late age of his father. This birth stands for the portion of the divine promise fulfilled within the lives of both the matriarch and patriarch, and is depicted accordingly in solemn language, unlike the usual nolad employed for Ismaels birth. The logic of this cycle validates the employment of walad as an archaism, a special and accurate term that confers stability to the introduction and acts as a champs de force within the narrative; and therefore restores the impact probably the original intention - of the sentence ein lah walad in introducing Sarah into the narrative, with its properties of infirmity, and insubstantiality, unlike the very concrete yeled ( child ) . This study also encompasses the discussion whether Gen11:28-30 comes as a Yawistic interpolation in the genealogy of Gen 11 or it is to be attributed to P.


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How to Cite

Chwarts, S. (2016). walad: Feto ou Filho; A Restauração do Sentido Original de Gn 11:30. Revista De Estudos Orientais, 5, 99-117. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2763-650X.i5p99-117