Prevalence and detection of resistance of Staphylococcus aureus in coats of undergraduates and health professionals at the Federal University of Uberlândia
contaminação, resistência bacteriana, profissionais de saúde, graduandos, jalecosAbstract
The study aimed to evaluate the contamination and resistance of Staphylococcus aureus in coats of undergraduate students and health professionals. Samples were collected from 175 lab coats. The isolates underwent phenotypic identification tests such as mannitol fermentation, catalase and coagulase. In addition to antimicrobial sensitivity tests and PCR, to detect the mecA gene. Approximately 25% of student coats were contaminated by S. aureus and 19% of health professionals. We detected three resistance phenotypes, being them MRSA, BORSA and MLSB. Some strains presented two phenotypes simultaneously. It is concluded that the coats of professionals and undergraduates are an important source of transmission of pathogens and should only be used in hospital and laboratory environments.
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