The theological significance of the discovery of America


  • Lewis Hanke



descobrimento, teologia, América


In readin g th e historica l literatur e o n th e Renaissanc e an d th e

Reformation, on e get s th e impressio n tha t Spai n an d Portuga l ha d

relatively littl e t o offer , an d tha t theolog y particularl y wa s a learne d

enterprise tha t flourishe d onl y i n certai n soils , particularl y thos e nea r

Rome. America n experienc e an d American problems receive d almos t

no attentio n a t th e Counci l o f Tren t (1545-1563) , tha t grea t ecume -

nical gathering of bishops which was probabl y the mos t thoroughgoing

reform in the history of the Roman Catholic Church. Th e Council was

principally concerned t o launch a theological attack on the Protestants ,

and the powerfu l Jesuit s ha d no t ye t develope d muc h interes t i n Ne w

World problems.


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Como Citar

HANKE, Lewis. The theological significance of the discovery of America. Revista de História, São Paulo, v. 50, n. 100 (1), p. 133–145, 1974. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2316-9141.rh.1974.132623. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 jul. 2024.