The study of musical performance and its social character


  • Marcus Vinicius Scanavez Ramasotti Medeiros de Almeida State University of Campinas



Musical Performance, Musical Anthropology, Anthropology of Performance, Musicking.


This article offers alternatives to the study of musical performance.
From the observation made by Nicholas Cook that every performance
has a social dimension, ethnography is presented as a methodology
for musical research. Then, it is showed some authors who understand
the performance as a social phenomenon and establish a link between
musical research and the social sciences, particularly anthropology.
In order to establish guidelines for the research, it is discussed the
concepts of “Musical Anthropology” (Anthony Seeger), “Anthropology of
Performance” (Richard Schechner and Victor Turner), and, the concept of
“music”, by Christopher Small.


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Author Biography

  • Marcus Vinicius Scanavez Ramasotti Medeiros de Almeida, State University of Campinas

    Marcus Vinicius Scanavez Ramasotti Medeiros de Almeida holds a Bachelor's Degree in Popular Music, a Master's and a PhD in Music from the State University of Campinas - UNICAMP. He dedicates himself to teaching, research and musical practice. As an educator, he teaches at the Dante Alighieri College, where he coordinates the Guitar Course and is responsible for the CDA Guitar Orchestra. As an instrumentalist (guitar and guitar), he develops authorial work in the area of Popular Music, having released the CD: Nicwenra - solo guitar (2013). As a researcher of Popular Music, he completed a Master's Degree in Musical Performance in the area of Interpretive Practices and a Ph.D. in Music in the area of Theoretical Foundations, after internship as a visiting researcher at Queens University of Belfast (UK).






How to Cite

Almeida, M. V. S. R. M. de. (2017). The study of musical performance and its social character. Revista Da Tulha, 3(1), 85-102.