The adoption of an interdisciplinary syllabus in education and in the study of the erudite and popular cultures in the brazilian context


  • Sonia Regina Albano de Lima Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho



Interdisciplinarity, A-historical conception, Historical-dialectical conception, Interdisciplinary syllabus, Musical production


The present text analyses the two conceptions of interdisciplinarity – the a-historical conception and the dialectic historical conception, both in the sciences and in education.  Under this perspective, the interdisciplinary syllabuses will be assessed with the purpose of minimizing the epistemological fragmentation that was established after the Cartesianism. In this sense, in an integrated way, the education supervisors must present interdisciplinary syllabus proposals focused on three epistemological dimensions - the ethical, cultural and social dimensions. The reports hereby produced are basically founded in the works of M. F. Gomes da Silva (2009) and A. C. Lopes and E. Macedo (org) (2005). The text culminates with the analysis of E. Fubini, among other musicologists, pointing out the epistemological isolation present in the contemporary musical production, which confirms a fragmented and hyper-specialized musical practice, in the opposite way of a hybrid cultural pattern set up in the contemporary society.


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Author Biography

  • Sonia Regina Albano de Lima, Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho

    Sonia Regina Albano de Lima. PhD in Communication and Semiotics - Arts (PUC / SP, 1999); postdoctoral in interdisciplinarity and education by the Interdisciplinarity Study and Research Group at PUC-SP (GEPI-PUC / SP), under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Ivani C. A. Fazenda; post-doctorate in Music at IA-UNESP (2015), under the supervision of Prof. D. Yara Caznók, lato sensu graduate in instrumental practices and chamber music (Faculty of Music Carlos Gomes- FMCG); specialization in musical interpretation and chamber music with Prof. Walter Bianchi (FMCG); bachelor's degree in instrument - piano (FMCG, 1982); law degree (USP, 1973); short degree in music education and qualification for teaching piano (Instituto Musical de São Paulo, 1967). He studied piano and chamber music with teachers Martin Braunwieser, Sonia Muniz, Roberto Sabbag and Walter Bianchi. He participated in extension courses with national and international interpreters, among them: Bruno Seidholfer, Camargo Guarnieri, Rosalyn Tureck, Sérgio Magnani and Homero Magalhães. She was a piano teacher at the Municipal School of Music (EMM) from 1975 to 1999. At FMCG she was a chamber and piano music teacher (1983 to 1993); deputy director (1985 to 1999); executive director (1999 to 2010); pedagogical coordinator of undergraduate courses (singing, instrument, composition and conducting) and lato sensu postgraduate courses in music education and music (1998 to 2009). She was a research professor at UNIABC from 2010 to 2012 for the implementation of the Professional Master in Education; coordinating research fellow at FUNADESP (2012). She has been a professor in the Masters and Doctorate Program in Music at IA-UNESP since 2005. She was the artistic director and coordinator of the São Paulo School of Music from 2013 to 2014. She is a researcher at GEPI-PUC / SP and research leader at the Group of Music Education Research at IA-UNESP (G-PEM- IA-UNESP). She was a collaborator in the Think and Make Art Project at PUC / SP under the organization of Prof. Dr. Cláudio Picollo. Author and organizer of books, collections and texts of scientific magazines focused on interdisciplinarity, performance and music education. He was President of the National Association for Research and Graduate Studies in Music from 2015 to 2019.


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How to Cite

Lima, S. R. A. de . (2020). The adoption of an interdisciplinary syllabus in education and in the study of the erudite and popular cultures in the brazilian context . Revista Da Tulha, 6(2), 90-118.