Esmeraldino Salles (1916 - 1979) documented by the press: a foray into the Digital Newspaper Collection of the National Library
esmeraldino salles, hemeroteca digital, brazilian national library, music and workAbstract
This article describes the process, methodology and results of a search in the National Library’s Digital Library for the São Paulo musician Esmeraldino Salles, who lived between 1916 and 1979. The Hemeroteca Digital has an important digitalized collection of newspapers, magazines and periodicals, photocopied and scanned, and the optical character recognition technology allows keyword searches, opening up enormous possibilities for researching the careers of musicians unknown to the general public. The aim of this paper is to document the results obtained from this source, describing and mapping Esmeraldino’s main professional activities as a musician: 1) performing on Rádio Tupi and television; 2) accompanying singers in São Paulo’s nightlife, in bars, nightclubs and concert halls; 3) photographic records; and 4) recording phonograms and albums. Through this description and mapping of data obtained from the Hemeroteca Digital, we can get an idea of the repercussions of Esmeraldino Salles’ work in his heyday, as well as the public’s perception of him.
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