Invited Editor's Letter


  • Carlos Alberto Dória



Food History, History of Drugs, Interdisciplinarity


As an invited editor of this issue of Ingesta, I was especially honored by the confidence that I could place the new publication in the field of somewhat heterodox historiography. Heterodoxy already guaranteed by the magazine's affiliation to LEHDA (Laboratory of Historical Studies on Drugs and Food), an entity that was born breaking paradigms by approaching, as a field of study, food and what Western societies (and police talking) have called over time “drugs". Ingesta, on the contrary, approximates these domains by giving them the same attention. This first issue should serve to encourage a broad spectrum of intellectuals devoted to the study of food or drugs; in Ingesta, any investigation with these focuses, if properly conducted, will have a space. We want to contribute to this horizon by arising multiple interests among its readers, breaking down the thematic canons and disciplinary boundaries that today organize the academic world.


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Author Biography

  • Carlos Alberto Dória

    Doutor e pós-doutor em Sociologia pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), especializou-se na área de Sociologia da Alimentação, sendo autor de livros como Formação da culinária brasileira (2014) e, em parceria com o chef de cozinha Marcelo Corrêa Bastos, A culinária caipira da Paulistânia (2018). Fundador do Centro de Cultura Culinária Câmara Cascudo (C5), dedicado a estudar e a divulgar a cultura culinária brasileira, mantém o blog E-BocaLivre, focado na temática.






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