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Author Guidelines

Articles should be submitted via our online system only at : The journal accepts manuscripts in Portuguese, Spanish, English and French. Documents should be formatted in Word.

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1. All works should be original, that is, not previously published (either in hard copy or online), nor should they be committed for publication elsewhere. 

2. Manuscripts will be submitted for external assessment by at least two recognized experts in the subject, who will write their reports. This procedure is to be blind in both directions, so that both the author and the referee will remain anonymous [Ensuring a Blind Peer Review]. The author can expect to receive a reply within three months. When a favourable report is obtained, the paper will be published – with the author being given the opportunity to revise it where the referees have made this recommendation. In the event of a negative report, the paper will be rejected, and the author will be informed of the reasons for this decision. Published texts should include both the date of reception and acceptance for the record. 

3. Authors should indicate their institutional assocation at the beginning of the text, along with their professional address and email. Key words should be given below, in Portuguese and English (no more than six), with an abstract in Portuguese and English (no more than 100 words), and a profile in Portuguese and English (no more than eighty words).

4. The length of manuscripts will be as follows: 

- “Articles” and “Interviews”: 12,000 words maximum. This includes footnotes, bibliographic references and appendices. Graphical documents (pictures, tables, photos, texts, charts, etc.) may also be appended, providing they are of good quality. In this case, sources should be mentioned, and, where appropriate, permission to publish will be required. 

-“Book reviews”: 3,000 words; “Research”: 5,000 words. This includes footnotes and bibliographic references.

5. Where an author is an active member of a project or doing advanced research and is interested in mentioning such work, this information should be referenced by an asterisk after the title, with the information being specified at the bottom of the first page, before the footnotes. 

6. The title of the article should be in 14-point type boldface. The titles of headings should be 12 point, in bold without numbering, and without a full stop. Book reviews should always include the complete bibliographic reference of the book in the title, with the reviewer’s name, and his/her institution, at the end of the text. Issues of journals devoted to a single theme may also be reviewed (see section: “Article and issue on a single subject”, infra.). 

7. Texts should be in Times New Roman 12 point, with single spacing and a 3-centimetre margin on each side. The same rule applies to footnotes, but using 10-point type. Paragraphs should be indented one centimetre. 

8. Footnotes should be set in sequential superscript Arabic numerals, and written after the punctuation mark. 

9. Abbreviations should be as per conventional use. Where capitalized, there should be no full stop between them (e.g. BNF), and they should be written out in full when referred to for the first time (e.g. Bibliothèque Nationale de France).

10. Bibliographic references should be included in the footnotes following the model of The Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) (15th ed., 2003; ""). Examples:  


 One volume:

 Robert William Davies, Soviet History in the Gorbachev Revolution (London: MacMillan Press, 1989), 167-79.

François Châtelet, La Naissance de l'histoire: la formation de la pensée historienne en Grèce (Paris: Minuit, 1961). 

Several volumes: 

François Dosse, Histoire du structuralisme, 2 vols. (Paris: La Découverte, 1991). 

Pierre Nora & Lawrence D. Kritzman, eds., Realms of Memory: The Construction of the French Past, 3 vols. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1996-98). 

Two or three authors:

Ciro Flamarion Cardoso e Ronaldo Vainfas (orgs. ) Domínios da História (Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier, 1997). 

Four or more authors:  

André Burguière (et al). Histoire de la famille, vol.1 (Paris, Armand Colin, 1986). 

Editions and translations of classical and modern authors: 

Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War, ed. Ch. F. Smith (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1991-98), 51. 

Francesco Guicciardini, The History of Italy, trad., ed. Sidney Alexander (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984). 

Preface, foreword, introduction: 

Manuela Carneiro da Cunha, Prefácio a Lévi-Strauss. Leituras brasileiras, orgs. Ruben Caixeta de Queiroz, Renarde Freire Nobre (Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG, 2008).           

Re-issue or re-print: 

Rafael Altamira, La enseñanza de la historia (Madrid: Librería de Victoriano Suárez, 1895; reimpr. Madrid: Akal, 1997), 13-81 (las páginas citadas se refieren a la reedición). 

Chapter and article in a book:

José Otávio Nogueira Guimarães, “Experiência e método. Introdução a uma entrevista com Jean-Pierre Vernant”. In: Antigos e modernos: diálogos sobre (a escrita da) história, org. Francisco Murari Pires (São Paulo, Alameda, 2009). 

François Hartog, “Le regard éloigné: Lévi-Strauss et l’histoire”. In: Claude Lévi-Strauss, org. Michel Izard (Paris: L’Herne, 2004).

Article and issue on a single theme in a journal:

Christopher Lloyd, “Realism and Structuralism in Historical Theory: A Discussion of the Thought of Maurice Mandelbaum,” History and Theory, [vol.] 23, 3 (1989): 297 (296-325). 

Franklin Leopoldo e Silva, “Para a compreensão da história em Sartre”, Tempo da Ciência [vol.]11, 22 (2004) (25-37).

(If journals have a subtitle, this will be omitted).

Newspaper article:

Josep Fontana, “Enseñar historia de España,” El País (Madrid), 19 de diciembre de 1997.

Online material and websites:       

María Inés Mudrovcic, “Algunas consideraciones epistemológicas para una historia del presente,” Hispania Nova 1, no. 1 (1998-2000), [acessado em 22 setembro, 2010]. 

Pieter Lagrou, “De l´actualité du temps présent, ” Bulletin de l´IHTP, 75 (juin, 2000), [acessado em 7 dezembro 2009].

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.  “Combating Holocaust Denial: Evidence of the Holocaust Presented at Nuremberg,” [acessado em 28 setembro, 2010]. 

Book review:

Eckardt Fuchs, reseña de Inventions of History: Essays on the Representations of the Past, por Stephen Bann, Storia della Storiografia, 21 (1992), 173 (173-174). 

Doctoral thesis: 

Alain Courban, “L´Humanité (avril 1904-août 1939). Histoire sociale, politique et culturelle d´un journal du mouvement ouvrier français)” (Tese doutoral, Universidad de Bourgogne, 2005), 79-87.  

Further references to the same work should be included as a footnote, with the name of the author followed by a short mention of the original work (e.g. R. W. Davies, Soviet History, 203). Where the work is mentioned again, without any other work in between, this second reference will be shortened to Ibid.  

11. Short quotations should be written enclosed in quotation marks (“”) within the text. Where they exceed three lines, they should be set as block quotations, preceded and followed by a further space with a one-centimetre margin on the right and left (block quotations will be written in 10-point type, without quotation marks). Quotations within quotations will be enclosed in single inverted commas (‘ ’), and omissions between brackets with an ellipsis, or three suspension points [...].  

12. Words to be emphasized within the text should be written with inverted commas (‘’). Words written in another language (other than that of the text), such as titles of book, journals, films and conferences, should be written in italics.

13. If an article or book review is submitted in English, both British English and American English spelling will be accepted. Furthermore, the following rules, taken from the Chicago Manual of Style and simplified, are to be considered:

1) A hyphen, with no space on either side, to separate dates (e.g. 1808-1814), pages (e.g. R. W. Davies, Soviet History, 169-79), compounds (e.g. twentieth-century fashion; up-to-date book, well-known author), and prefixes.

2) A dash – leaving one space on either side – to separate phrases (e.g. “The remaining volume – the third and part of the fourth – are devoted to the Middle Ages and modern times”).

3) Section headings are to be capitalized, as are references to books and other titles in the text. 

4) When mentioning a work, the title should be separated from the subtitle with a colon (e.g. Jeffrey Herf, Divided Memory: the Nazi Past in the Two Germanys). 

5) Dates: e.g. 14 July 1776; years: e.g. 59 BC, AD 312; centuries: in words (e.g. the nineteenth century); decades: e.g. the 1920s.  

14. Observance of these rules is a prerequisite for the publication of the text. 

15. Intelligere is not responsible for the opinions expressed by contributors to the Journal.


Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

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